Navigating the Governance Architecture of the EU AI Act

Navigating the Governance Architecture of the EU AI Act

Osman GüçlütürkBahadır Vural

Osman Güçlütürk & Bahadır Vural

29 May 2024

Even carefully crafted and comprehensive legal texts may fail to translate into tangible actions on the ground if not supported by a solid governance framework for their implementation. The upcoming EU AI Act introduces a governance structure designed not only to facilitate coordination and support for the Act's implementation and enforcement at the national level but also to strengthen capabilities at the Union level and foster the inclusion of stakeholders within the AI domain. This governance framework will include key components such as the Artificial Intelligence Office (“AI Office”), the European Artificial Intelligence Board (“AIBoard”), the Advisory Forum, and the Scientific Panel, each with their own distinct structures and tasks. In this blog post, we will explore the latest governance framework introduced by the EU AI Act, discussing the specific roles and responsibilities of each component.

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