Operationalising Safety in Generative AI: Model Evaluations and Algorithm Audits

Operationalising Safety in Generative AI: Model Evaluations and Algorithm Audits

Generative AI
Siddhant Chatterjee

Siddhant Chatterjee

14 Feb 2024

With the explosion and large-scale usage of generative AI models, ensuring their integrity, safety, security, and reliability has become a pressing necessity for organizations developing and deploying them. Two crucial processes that contribute significantly to this assurance are model evaluations and algorithm audits. While both aim to assess and enhance the trustworthiness of AI systems, they operate distinctively, each serving a unique purpose in the journey towards responsible AI deployment.

This blog post provides an overview of model evaluations and algorithm audits, and how they should be jointly leveraged to ensure the responsible, safe, and ethical deployment of powerful generative models.

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