10 Things You Need to Know About the NYC Mandatory Bias Audits

10 Things You Need to Know About the NYC Mandatory Bias Audits

HR Tech
Airlie Hilliard

Airlie Hilliard

10 Jul 2023

To address some of the concerns about the use of automated employment decision tools (AEDTs) in making employment decisions, particularly in relation to the risk of discriminatory outcomes, the New York City Council has taken decisive action and passed legislation that mandates bias audits of these tools. With the original legislation due to take effect on 1 January 2023, enforcement was initially delayed to 15 April 2023 due to the high volume of comments received during the first public hearing on the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection’s (DCWP’s) proposed rules. Following the proposal of a second version of the proposed rules and accordingly held second public hearing, the DCWP released the final version of its adopted rules and announced a final enforcement date of 5 July 2023. At the end of June, a few business days before the final enforcement of the rules, the DCWP published FAQS to provide additional clarifications to the law, along with slides from roundtables it held with business advocates/employers, civil/worker rights advocates, and industry stakeholders at the end of May.

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