Assembly Bill A07859: New York’s Steps Towards Transparency in HR Tech

Assembly Bill A07859: New York’s Steps Towards Transparency in HR Tech

HR Tech
Airlie Hilliard

Airlie Hilliard

11 Jul 2023

New York is currently leading the race in regulating HR Tech. New York City Local Law 144, which was enforced on 5 July 2023, requires enterprises to obtain bias audits of automated employment decision tools (AEDTs) and New York State has proposed two assembly bills targeting automated employment decision tools. Assembly Bill A00567 would require annual disparate impact analysis of AEDTs, while Assembly Bill A07859, introduced 7 July 2023, seeks to increase the transparency of HR Tech tools by imposing notification requirements on employers and employment agencies using automated employment decision tools.

New York Assembly Bill A07859: Everything you need to know

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