February 2024

Driving Innovation: Navigating the EU AI Act's Impact on Autonomous Vehicles

The European Union's upcoming Artificial Intelligence Act (EU AI Act) will impact the integration of AI systems into autonomous vehicles, particularly in terms of safety, and classifies them according to their risk level. AI serves as the technological backbone for the automation capabilities in AVs, and the EU AI Act recognizes the risks that these systems pose if they fail. AV-related AI systems may be classified as high-risk AI systems under the EU AI Act, but they will primarily be governed by their sectoral legislation and not the standard requirement or obligation regime for high-risk AI systems. The EU AI Act also amends the sectoral legislation applicable to AVs and requires that the implementation acts to be adopted under that legislation take the high-risk AI system requirements into account. There are two primary regulations applicable to AVs in the EU: the Type-Approval Framework Regulation (TAFR) and the General Safety Regulation (GSR). Many AV-related AI systems will be classified as HRAIs under the EU AI Act due to the reference to the Union harmonization legislation, but the ordinary HRAIS regime will not apply to these systems.

January 2024

Autonomous Vehicle Legislation in the US: The State of Play

Autonomous Vehicles or Self-Driving Cars are estimated to generate between $300 and $400 billion in revenue by 2035, but concerns over safety persist. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA) has identified five levels of autonomous capabilities, ranging from Momentary Driver Assistance to Full Automation. The federal law passed in 2017, the Safely Ensuring Lives Future Deployment and Research In Vehicle Evolution Act, paved the way for state-level legislation on autonomous vehicles. Many states have introduced their own autonomous vehicle laws, with some hitting the ground running in 2024. These laws set out conditions for an autonomous vehicle to operate, such as complying with traffic laws and submitting proof of financial responsibility. It is important to stay on top of these developments, and Holistic AI’s Global Tracker can help navigate the landscape with confidence.