How are California, and Florida leading the race to regulate AI in 2024?
Airlie Hilliard
05 Jan 2024
2023 was a significant year for AI regulation and legislation, with a provisional agreement reached on the EU AI Act in December. Set to become the global gold standard for AI regulation, the EU AI Act was passed by the European Parliament in June 2023, ahead of a lengthy Trilogue process.
Across the pond in the US, the landmark New York City Local Law 144 was enforced from 5 July 2023, mandating independent bias audits of automated employment decision tools used in the City. Colorado’s SB-169 was also effective from 1 January 2023, with Governance and Risk Management Framework Requirements for Life Insurers, enforced from 14 November 2023 and regulations proposed for quantitative bias testing of algorithm and predictive models used in life insurance underwriting. The US Algorithmic Accountability Act was also introduced for the third time in September 2023, and the DC Stop Discrimination by Algorithms Act was introduced for the second time in February 2023.
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